Beautiful pics of Helene Fischer and Claudia Wells feet & legs
For those who love low-grade rivalries in pop may be thrilled to know that Katy Perry beat Taylor Swift in the race to be Forbess most-paid music woman for 2018. Further down Forbes' listing of 10, where there is a real interest and could lead to someone to challenge. Helene Fisher is ranked the number. 8. She is just below Rihanna but ahead of Celine along with Britney. Who? An American-Russian actress who has a very tight-lipped personality and wants to maintain her appeal as an "normal woman". In her extensive interviews she only mentions she loves artisanal butter. Her husband, who is was a German television actor was shocked to find her face tattooed on his forearm. Fischer 34 has been considered to be the center in Germany's Schlager scene. Her sound is very versatile and tends towards two different directions. The second song is a more bierhalle-like beat that covers the themes of drunk babes as well as Germany. Fischer embodies its foil the faithful woman who's heart skips and breath stops whenever she imagines her devoted man playing up her feminine feebleness in order to stimulate his protection instincts. Traditional themes from Schlager are an excellent counterpoint to western-influenced music that came into Germany in the aftermath of the Second World War. It is still popular thanks to its popularity with baby boomers and the rest of us who are well served with endless TV specials from Schlager. Fischer offers every year at Christmas, a lavish all-star show that has Jools Annual hootenanny look similar to channel 4s Club X. Schlager is a country music with the same home-like feeling as country music and Fischer updated it by introducing a soaring synth pop upgrade. It is akin to an German Taylor Swift. However, where Swifts pop evolution brought her popularity, it is impossible to express how little critical love there is for Fischers really terrible music.
Claudia Wells, an American actress was born and raised at Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. She currently lives in San Francisco CA. Wells became famous in 1985 as Jennifer Parker Marty McFly's girl friend, starring in the movie Back to the Future. Wells played Jennifer Parker in the music film Stop the Madness sponsored by the Reagan government. The film featured well-known musicians, actors as well as sportsmen. In 1985, she appeared as the principal role in the television movie Babies Having Babies. This was a television version of Fast Times from 1982. Despite moving in a highly sought-after glide path toward entertainment success Claudia was forced to stop acting when the cancer diagnosis of her mother came to light. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called So far, Claudia has amassed over fifty credits of theatre and in film, however she considers her true on screen entertainment career to still be ahead of her as she seeks out challenging roles that deviate from convention and push boundaries. If she's not collaborating for charities or working as an actor on set Claudia oversees her fine male clothing shop called Armani Wells which you can learn more about by visiting her website

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